Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (Istat)

Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (Istat)

The Italian National Institute of Statistics is a public research organisation. It has been present in Italy since 1926 and is the main producer of official statistics in the service of citizens and policy-makers. It operates in complete independence and continuous interaction with the academic and scientific communities.

The mission of the Italian National Institute of Statistics is to serve the community by producing and communicating high-quality statistical information, analyses and forecasts in complete independence and in accordance with the strictest ethical and professional principles and most up-to-date scientific standards, in order to develop detailed knowledge of Italy’s environmental, economic and social dimensions at various levels of geographical detail and to assist all members of society (citizens, administrators, etc.) in decision-making processes.

Istat is fully involved into the debate on the need to go beyond GDP to measure the well-being of people and societal progress playing an important role, at national and international level. To this effect, Istat as a member of the European Statistical System (Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European statistics) was involved in the Sponsorship on “Measuring progress, wellbeing and sustainable development” which concluded its work in 2011. Moreover, Istat is currently involved in the BES - Benessere Equo e Sostenibile (Equitable and Sustainable Well-being) initiative, a large-scale project with the aim of providing tools for measuring and monitoring progress in society, developing a set of 134 indicators, articulated in 12 domains, aimed at capturing the Italian well-being involving all major representatives of Italian civil society and promoting consultation with citizens. This project has then moved at a local dimension with the URBES project which aims at defining a set of well-being indicators for the 15 biggest Italian cities. More recently, Istat has integrated the analyses of BES with a first set of indicators for monitoring progress towards the Agenda 2030 targets, the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Istat is actively involved in the process of implementation of the Agenda 2030  and in particular is member of the UN High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (HLG-PCCB) which has recently developed the Cape Town Global Action Plan launched in the UN World Data Forum. Within the Economic Commission for Europe, Istat is member of UNECE CES Steering Group for Sustainable Development Goals, which is developing the road map for the UNECE region. Within the beyond GDP initiatives, it’s important to mention the role of Istat as the coordinator of the FP7 project e-Frame (2012-2014), that worked to foster the debate on the measurement of well-being and the progress of societies among all relevant stakeholders and the FP7 project Web-COSI (2014-2015), whose main objective was to increase trust in collectively generated statistics on societal progress and well-being. Concerning the challenge of the topic on the incorporation and alignment of new sources with established official statistics, Istat is at the forefront of the innovation process regarding the usage of new sources of data (Big Data–Open Data) and participates to national and international projects and initiatives to experiment gathering techniques for official statistics programmes, including VIP projects for the implementation of the ESS Vision 2020.


Coordination Team

   Bacchini Fabio - Scientific Coordinator 

   Calza Maria Grazia - Project Manager 

   Gandolfo Marina - Chair of Advisory Board


Research Team


Work Package 1 - Analysis of existing frameworks

Alessandra Tinto (WP Leader), Barbara Baldazzi, Roberta De Santis, Angela Ferruzza, Tommaso Rondinella, Maria Pia Sorvillo.


Work Package 2 - Extended set of information

Barbara Baldazzi, Giulio Barcaroli, Alessandro Brunetti, Michele D’Alò, Claudia De Vitiis, Loredana Di Consiglio, Luigi Costanzo, Angela Ferruzza, Alessio Guendalini, Roberto Iannaccone, Francesca Inglese, Antonio Laureti Palma, Federico Polidoro, Alessandra Righi, Giovanna Tagliacozzo, Tiziana Tuoto, Paola Ungaro, Davide Zurlo.


Work Package 3 - Regional poverty measurement

Alessandro Brunetti, Stefano Daddi, Michele D’Alò, Rita De Carli, Claudia De Vitiis, Loredana Di Consiglio, Alessio Guendalini, Francesca Inglese, Tiziana Pichiorri, Federico Polidoro, Tiziana Tuoto.


Work Package 4 - Time series and multivariate analysis

Barbara Baldazzi, Roberta De Santis, Lorenzo Di Biagio, Loredana Di Consiglio, Barbara Guardabascio, Roberto Iannaccone, Davide Zurlo.


Work Package 5 - Pilot study

Maria Pia Sorvillo (WP Leader), Rita De Carli, Angela Ferruzza, Paola Ungaro, Davide Zurlo.


Work Package 6 - Dissemination & Communication

Calza Maria Grazia, Maria Francesca D’Ambrogio, Filippo Lioy, Tamara Zangla.


Work Package 7 - Coordination & Management

Fabio Bacchini, Calza Maria Grazia, Maria Francesca D’Ambrogio, Filippo Lioy, Tamara Zangla.


Work Package 8 - Ethics requirements

Calza Maria Grazia (WP Leader), Maria Francesca D’Ambrogio, Filippo Lioy, Tamara Zangla.



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