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Building up a database for a wide set of EU countries that selects and harmonizes the national framework on well-being as well as the available SDG indicators. Attention will be paid to the micro-macro approach derived inside the national account framework and to the opportunities for extending the SNA beyond GDP;
Improving the database both in relation to the timeliness and to the integration with big data measures and the methodologies able to reach these extensions;
Extending the geographical dimension especially focusing on the possible estimates of people vulnerability either looking at the measurement of poverty and inequality or to the measurement of regional inflation;
Using the extended database for policy evaluation at macro level and for building up two comprehensive pilot studies for Italy and Hungary.
Highlighted news
European R&I Days from 23 to 24 June: register now and get involved!
With the motto “Let’s shape the future together” on 23 and 24 June 2021 the European Commission’s annual flagship event “European Research and Innovation Days” will take place fully online, with the aim to bring together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.
This is a great chance given everyone to get involved from anywhere.
Read more ...NTTS 2021 (9-11 March) – Check the programme out & register NOW!
From 9 to 11 March 2021 the conference on New Techniques and Technologies for Official Statistics (NTTS) will be carried out fully virtually for the first time in its history, in the light of the COVID-19 emergency.
Consult the programme and take a look at the fascinating topics of NTTS 2021. It features three exciting key notes and 30 parallel sessions, during which participants will be able to participate virtually in discussions and raise their questions to the speakers. Networking remains a keystone of NTTS as attendees will be able to participate in interactive and engaging experiences through a dynamic virtual conference platform. This includes interactive exhibition features for three spotlight sessions.
GROWINPRO-OECD conference (virtual) 27-28 January 2021 - Register now!
The conference “Value Creation and Distribution in the Digital Era” will take place in a virtual format on 27-28 January 2021 , and is organised jointly with OECD’s Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), and its Working Party on Industry Analysis (WPIA).
The aim is to gather comparative cross-country evidence and discuss a wide array of policy-relevant issues related to:
Read more ...European Research and Innovation Days from 22 to 24 September: get involved!
European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.
In light of the coronavirus pandemic this year, the event will be fully online and takes place on 22-24 September 2020. By creating connections between cutting-edge scientific research and the most pressing challenges of a generation, the EU R&I Days represent a unique opportunity to join the conversation and enact real change.
Read more ...2 interesting initiatives worth mentioning related to MAKSWELL themes
Sustainable Development Festival organized by ASviS
The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) organizes from next 22 September to 8 October the Sustainable Development Festival over a period of 17 days, as many as the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. It represents a further step to encourage the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and constitutes a single widespread and inclusive event, comprising hundreds of events organized throughout the Italian national territory of Italy.
Read more ...Released by OECD the new edition of the web-tool “Compare your income”
The OECD has just released a new version of the web-tool “Compare your income” which allows users to check whether their perception of income inequality is in line with reality. With a few clicks they can see where they are placed in the national income distribution and share their views on how this should be distributed to determine income equality.
Read more ...Publication of the SDGs Report 2020 by Istat
On 14 May 2020 Istat released the third edition of the Report on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The publication takes place in the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the need for a unified vision capable of developing and implementing an appropriate strategy for economic, social and environmental development attentive to the interdependencies of the various aspects and oriented towards sustainability.
Follow the interesting Emos webinar related to MAKSWELL theme next 18 June 2020: registration is free!
Due to COVID-19 sanitary emergency the already mentioned webinar organised by Eurostat within the EMOS (European Master in Official Statistics) programme "Beyond GDP: what have we accomplished so far?" held by Marco Mira d'Ercole from OECD, scheduled for May 5 has been postponed to Thursday, June 18 at 16:00 CET.
Read more ...26 Februar 2020: ASviS presents a report on the relationship between the Budget Law 2020 and Sustainable Development in Italy
The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) turns back on the issues about the Agenda 2030 and next February 26th will present the document "The Budget Law 2020 and sustainable development ".
Read more ...OECD Better Life Initiative: Workshop on 3-4 October, Paris
On 3-4 October the international workshop "Putting Well-being Metrics into Policy Action" will take place in Paris, in OECD premises. The workshop will explore the policy uptake of multidimensional dashboards of well-being, inclusiveness and sustainability indicators. It will also focus on how practical policy mechanisms could be adapted to apply this evidence on a more systematic basis.
Presentation of the report on Sustainable Development Goals state of art in Italy by ASVIS
A relevant occasion to analyze the progress of Italy towards the achievement of the 17 Objectives of the 2030 Agenda is being offered by ASVIS (Alliance for Sustainable Development), which will present the report “L’Italia e gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile” on 4th October in the Auditorium – Parco della Musica premises, Rome.
Read more ...Statistical Week in Trier: MAKSWELL session on Friday 13th
The Statistical Week, jointly organised by the German Statistical Society (DStatG), the German Association for Demography (DGD), the Union of the German Municipal Statisticans (VDSt) and the Italian Statistical Society (Istat), this year will be hosted by University of Trier from 10 to 13 September.
This annual meeting of DStatG has a rich programme containing plenary sessions being under a frame topic, lectures and a variety of contributed sessions. Among these last there is one dedicated to MAKSWELL project on Friday 13th starting at 9:00.
Read more ...62nd ISI World Statistics Congress
The 62nd ISI WSC will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 18 to 23 August 2019. The congress, jointly organized by the International Statistical Institute (ISI) in collaboration with the Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (ISM) will represent a unique event that will bring together about 2,500 delegates, comprising statistical researchers, academia, industry practitioners, analysts and policymakers, from all over the world to share insights on development in statistical science and to advance application of statistics for discovery, innovation and decision making.
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