Work Package 5

Work Package 5 - Pilot study

Lead participant: ISTAT


Start monthFebruary 2018

End month: September 2020


This work package has the objective to test a single Beyond-GDP framework effective for guiding policy making at local and national level integrating micro and macro statistical information. The challenge is to provide an updated version of the actual metrics based on MIP indicators. The first tasks will refer to the macro side looking at the implementation of the well-being and SDG indicators in a macroeconometrics models as, as for example, the one used by Istat for the annual forecasting.
The second task will explore all the characteristics of the developed database with special attention to the regional measure developed in WP3. The work foresees the implementation of a pilot study for Italy and Hungary, that aims to convey information from different sources into an unified framework that will be easily implemented also in other countries.. This example will be used to provide recommendations for transferring the methods to other areas as well as to propose a research agenda for important developments in the future.
Both the macro analysis and the pilot study will be address for policy evaluation.

Description of work:

The main specific tasks within WP5 aimed at achieving the objectives are the followings: 

Task T5.1: Actual macroeconomic adjustment procedure are mainly based on models that do not include well-being and SDG indicators, as for example QUEST developed by European Commission to analyse the impact of structural reforms in the EU. We will improve this picture starting from a structural macroeconometric model that will be extended to account for well-being dimensions.

Task T5.2: Build up a national example based on the extended database at both national and regional level, and the methodological approach developed in the previous WPs in order to guarantee locally available information and policy making usability.
The proposed framework is used to show the evolution of the selected country during the crisis according to the interaction between economic indicators and well-being and sustainable indicators, focusing on vulnerable population group and territorial analysis .


D5.1: Reflection paper.

D5.2: Technical report on a macro evaluation of well-being using a macroeconometric model.

D5.3: Report on results of Pilot study.


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